
Showing posts from 2017

Question: What Causes Existential Angst?

Cogito Ergo Sum ("I Think Therefore I Am")

Why are Buddhists in Myanmar Resorting to Violence?

Question: So, why write a blog? OR: Fine Print Part 2

Question: What Happens When We Die?

Question: I've heard that meditation is dangerous. What are the dangers of meditation?

Question: Thoughts from Monkey Mind vs. Thoughts in Meditation


Is What We See Illusion?

Question: How do You Cope with the Certainty of Death?

The Right Conditions

Meditation is NOT an Activity

Question: Is there a basic difference between an educated individual and an enlightened individual?

Question: Does Meditation Change the Brain?

Question: What am I supposed to be thinking of while meditating?

Question: Where does insight come from? (Insight being sudden understanding without analysis).

Question: What was the Hardest Part of Your Spiritual Journey?

Question: Is it harder for a rational logical formally educated mind to achieve spiritual awakening?

The Three Characteristics

Question: Is Acceptance/Surrender an Important Practice?

5 Seconds

Know All Things to be Like This


Question: Are science and spirituality mutually exclusive?

Fine Print

Question: What was the defining moment that confirmed to you that meditation was making a significant difference in your life?