Question: Is there a basic difference between an educated individual and an enlightened individual?

Imagine for a moment you want to bake a cake.

You carefully study the ingredients list and memorize the sequence of steps and events that lead up to the theoretical success of a baked cake. Now contrast this understanding with your knowledge AFTER you baked the cake - the knowing that the instructions need some tweaking, the taste of the batter before it was poured into the forms, the true understanding of just how rich and amazing the smell from the oven was.

Is knowing the recipe the same as having baked the cake? Of course not. There was the knowing of the recipe (knowledge), but then the gnowing (my word for knowing through gnosis) of having baked the cake.

In this way, there is knowledge of the ideas about how the universe might be (if you are lucky enough to stumble on and recognize the right set of ideas), and there is the gnowing that comes from having SEEN the way things are.

An enlightened person is one who has seen through the illusion of self, separateness (and more), has united with the completeness of it, and will never believe in a separate self or things (and more) again.
