Question: Is Acceptance/Surrender an Important Practice?

Q: Do you believe that “unconditional surrender” is a key to achieving non-dual awareness (awakening/enlightenment)? How would one practice “surrendering”?

A: Yes, I think surrender practice is quite important, though I prefer the term "acceptance". Surrender implies that conditions are in your control and yours to let go of, which is a misconception.

I would say this practice is:

Recognizing that there is only this moment.

Recognizing that what is happening in THIS moment is reality, and to wish for something different is suffering.

Practicing accepting the conditions of this moment as they are by relaxing the mental and physical tension of the body and mind.

As best you can, maintain an empty mind/meditative state.

In this meditative state, allow what happens, and what you do to arise without holding on to what has happened in the past, or what you want to happen, or are afraid will happen, in the future. Have no preconception, goals or fixed ideas.


  1. Love the blog and am trying to get where you’re coming from.

    It’s easy to see that suffering is caused when there is resistance to what is arising in this moment (as it’s here, now, and thus a done deal).

    But regarding the future are you saying (1) to simply allow it to unfold w/o trying to steer it at all, always reacting spontaneously in the moment to whatever is arising, or (2) to think about the future & attempt to steer it as you feel, but don’t get attached to whether what you’re doing will “work out” or not?

    Thank you.


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