The Right Conditions

The success of the path, and in the pursuits around it, is largely about setting up the right conditions for it to flower, and letting go of all thought of progress or success:

Whether the [spiritual] progress is swift or slow is out of our control. It's just like planting a tree. The tree knows how fast it should grow. If we want it to grow more quickly than it is, this is pure delusion. If we want it to grow more slowly, recognize this as delusion as well. If we do the work, the results will be forthcoming - just like planting a tree. For example, say we wanted to plant a chili bush. Our responsibility is to dig a hole, plant the seedling, water it, fertilize it, and protect it from insects. This is our job, our end of the bargain. Whether the chili plant grows or not is up to it. It's not our business. We can't go tugging on the plant, trying to stretch it and make it grow faster. That's not how nature works. Our responsibility is to water and fertilize it. Practicing Dhamma in the same way puts our heart at ease.
-Ajahn Chah, Food for the Heart, 195-196

It's important to keep an attitude of surrender and acceptance to what is happening in every moment. Don't struggle with thoughts about progress, or attainment, but just accept things as they are. Every moment is perfect, just as it is. This is the path to realization.
